Christmas Tree Capital


The traditional theme tree is one that many people love. Traditional is going to be the red and green colors that are often associated with the Christmas holiday. And when combined with flocked Christmas trees this is something that can be breathtaking. The flocked Christmas trees are going to add an extra element to the entire traditional theme that goes well together.

Traditional Themes: The Perfection of Imperfection

With this being said, how can you ensure that the traditional theme is seen throughout your flocked Christmas trees? We have a few ideas that you can utilize in your decorating to really bring the traditional theme to life!

1. Go with shiny ornaments that are in red and greens. You will find that matte ornaments are highly popular, but if you want to go with true traditional, look for those that are shiny to include on this tree.

2. Don’t forget that you have to include Santa somewhere on this tree. After all, Santa is one of the more traditional figures that is seen around Christmas.

3. Garland is a must with a traditional theme, you will find that you can opt for a red or green. Or you could put in a neutral like sliver or gold to really make the entire tree pop.

4. Other traditional themed ornaments may include candy canes, bells, angels, stars and the like. All of which you can integrate to get the traditional feel.

For those who want to go with a traditional theme, they are going to find that anything goes. You will want to take inspiration from those old traditional Christmas cards or even those favorite Christmas movies that you may watch year after year. This is going to be a tree that is full of color and really pops in a room. It is one theme that many families go with as the children love all that is going on within this tree!

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